William Schantz - How to Find a Job After Retirement

Some people view retirement as the end of one’s career. However, most people don’t realize that retirement is a new journey to explore your passions, interests, and goals.

Some people complain of boredom after retirement and wish they had a job to engage themselves for some time. Others feel they are not living to their full potential by not helping others with the wealth of knowledge they have accrued over the years. If you resonate with any of the above, here is an approved guide by William Schantz on how to find a job after retirement.


How to Find a Job After Retirement by William Schantz


1.     Identify What You Want From a Job

The first step is identifying what you are looking for in a job. Do you want to do it full-time, or do you want to stay engaged for a few hours a day? How much are you willing to get paid?

Are there additional requirements, such as working from home or three to five days a week? Whatever you want from a job, you should sit down and write it on a piece of paper, and you will be able to find something that fits your requirements.


2.     Get the Right Training

While finding a new job, you may have to upgrade your skills or polish them according to the latest industry standards. Regardless, this is essential once you consider reemployment after retirement. While you indeed have a wealth of experience in your field, there is no harm in learning more. Once you get the proper training, you can find a job more quickly.


3.     William Schantz Suggests You Should Know Your Strength

While upgrading your skills, you should also focus on your strengths and learn how to market them. You have a valuable skill set owing to your experience and knowledge, so remember to bring these up in your interview.

You can also cite real-life examples of how you’ve done well to allow your employer to understand the value you will add to their organization.


4.     Build or Update an Online Resume

In today’s world, having an online presence is essential to inspire confidence amongst potential employers while also telling them about your previous performance. 

You can sign up for work-related websites that headhunters use to recruit people. William Schantz thinks that this is one of the most important, if not the most crucial, steps in trying to find employment after retirement in today’s day and age. For example, sites like LinkedIn allow you to build your profile visible to potential employers worldwide.


William Schantz’s Concluding Thoughts

Finding a job after retirement is difficult, but it’s not impossible. There may be restrictive laws in a few places, but others may offer many good opportunities. You can also consider part-time employment as it offers more flexibility. Another benefit is that it leaves you much free time on your hands for other things.

Regardless of your reasons, finding a job after retirement is good for your mind and body. Happy Job Hunting!




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